My approach

My brain works in a way that constantly shifts between macro and micro views of situations while simultaneously delving to the “root” of the concern. I can’t help but connect ideas, thoughts, and images from subjects that may initially seem “unrelated” but actually allow for the creation of new possibilities and perspectives. My approrach values curiousity and is collaborative, direct, and playful.

I’ve thought partnered with people to:

  • brainstorm ideas for a new business

  • move past a stuck point in a creative process

  • explore potential ways to shift culture in an organization

  • clarify mission/values of an individual or organization

  • identify strengths and opportunities for growth professionally and personally

  • consider potential next steps when at a transition point

But why you?

Along with my innate curiousity and communication gifts, I’ve formally studied human nature and relationships in a myriad of ways. Here are some of my training experiences that allow me to hold space in a uniquely effective way:  

  • training as an actor and dancer— sharpened my ability to hear to what’s being communicated both verbally and non verbally

  • training as a playwright/writer— allows me to think both intimately about a situation while also holding a broader view and multiple perspectives

  • training as a licensed clinical social worker— increased my understanding of the sociocultural, psychological, somatic, and developmental pieces of an issue; increases my ability to identify unconscious processes that can be standing in the way of our success

What do people say?

  • “When I think of Christina's work as a thought partner with me, I think of someone who makes you slow down and own your own ideas, desires, needs and beliefs. And she models consistent flexibility and choice. Her genuine curiosity helps me flesh out ideas - if I choose to - and own how those ideas are in alignment with my stated beliefs and needs.”

  • “Christina provides challenge when needed. Does not take on the ideas as facts or truths she must affirm or abide by personally. Instead she makes room for you to simply exist.She consistently, curiously and collaboratively invites you to go deeper.”

  • “…open and flexible approach to partnering makes room for people to simply speak, think and be - at all stages of idea holding. So that you know that your process and you within it are more than enough, as you are."

Let’s Think Together

My fee for thought partnering is $150/hour. If you would like to partner but can’t afford it, please reach out anyway. I’m happy to try and work something out with you or provide a referral.

Send me a message through my website with your name, contact info, and thoughts on what you want to thought partner about.