3 of Wands/Staffs
3 of Wands. Element of Fire—reminds me of an important lesson. That which activates us can nurture or destroy depending on how we tend it.
Fire—Vitality. Creativity. Passion.
For me, the number 3 brings up not just envisioning what is desired, but acting in ways that bring that vision into existence. It’s world bending, world shaping, future shifting.
The 3 implies a team— a reminder that we’re not in this alone; can’t afford to act as if we are. Not if we want to survive, to shift timelines so the far future possible >> becomes the near future probable >> becomes the present reality.
I thank my past self for her visioning, for the steps she took and the seeds she planted to get us here.
I thank my present self who was once a future self who left breadcrumbs for my past self to follow to bring us here. Who actively engages to create a reality my future self will want to exist in.
What ignites you? What visions sustain you?
If you have none, what actions are needed to create space to allow for envisioning a different reality?
If you do, what actions are you taking to bring those into being?
We need each other. We need ourselves. A different world is possible.
Hope for it. But don’t stop there—create it. Birth it into being.
Image Description: Cristy C. Road’s Next World Tarot deck. Person standing in the remains of a library under orange/red sky. Face pensive. Holding two books. Behind them— shelves of books, 3 liquid concoctions, and a spaceship/large crystal on a landing dock.